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Re: WaPo's electoral model gives GOP a 95% chance of retaking Senate

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Oct 11 15:08:55 2014, in response to Re: WaPo's electoral model gives GOP a 95% chance of retaking Senate, posted by JayZeeBMT on Sat Oct 11 14:14:39 2014.

I think that you are misreading the temperament of the American electorate. What WE are reacting to is
1) the absolute blockade of congress by an intransigent Harry Reid
2) The absolute ineptness of this administration and the never ending list of scandals, The VA, The IRS, Obamacare rollout, Secret Service, Fast and Furious and Bengahzi just to name a few
3) The total nightmare that Obama's foreign policy has been shown to be
4) The loss of American standing in the world
5) The failures of the Obama economic policies.

The list is endless but when you lose the senate, it's because the democratic candidates supported the Obama train wreck no matter how hard they protest and claim the contrary now. It is what it is.


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