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Re: WaPo's electoral model gives GOP a 95% chance of retaking Senate

Posted by bingbong on Sat Oct 11 16:01:59 2014, in response to Re: WaPo's electoral model gives GOP a 95% chance of retaking Senate, posted by Train Dude on Sat Oct 11 15:30:45 2014.

Wrong. ACA was the most compromised bill proposed. Its passage had nothing to do with what Speaker Pelosi said. In fact, your statement of "because the democratic speaker of the house (at the time) told the American public that you have to vote for it to see what's in it" demonstrates a utter lack of comprehension beyond fox news soundbite.

It is actually based on Romneycare *after* Deval Patrick fixed it. Had the republicans come up with any good ideas, I'm sure they would have been used. Everything they whined about would have compromised access to care or made it unnecessarily expensive. We've seen enough of that out SCOTUS.

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