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Re: Group Demands Corrections Before Texas Adopts 'Distorted' Textbooks

Posted by bingbong on Fri Sep 12 19:52:09 2014, in response to Re: Group Demands Corrections Before Texas Adopts 'Distorted' Textbooks, posted by Dave on Fri Sep 12 19:12:53 2014.

Dave....you're the one in need of a clue. These books are teachineg lies to kids who will retain lies for th rest of their lives. Not only is that wrong, it's going to damage their futures.p..and yours....who's paying your Medicare and Social Security???

Kids that think George Washington rode a dinosaur into Valley Forge do NOT grow into the positions that create, innovate and provide the economy with growth. As the largest consumer of English language k-12 textbooks, what goes in textbooks in Texas ends up national. You shitkickers have no right to enforce your ignorance on the entire nation.


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