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Re: An Article Worth Reading: Why They Hate Israel

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Aug 27 23:53:19 2014, in response to Re: An Article Worth Reading: Why They Hate Israel, posted by Nilet on Tue Aug 26 20:08:59 2014.

Gaza does not have a functioning airport. If you consider a runway strip with no functioning terminal and no passenger services to be an airport, that's fine. But that's not an airport in the minds of most people.

As for your claim that I'm flipflopping, putting Jews in a single box as being an ethnic group, a religious group, or even a race as some hae tried to do over the years is impossible. Your constant attempts to do so say a lot about you. Converts fall in under having the same national identity, and converting to Judaism is not that easy, so it isn't like a ton of people can just become Jewish overnight and emigrate to Israel. Jews come from such diverse backgrounds you can't fit them in to a single ethnic group, and they most definitely aren't a race. Why shouldn't there be a country for all of them?

There is no double-standard, you're just pissed that Israel doesn't have open borders and object to religious beliefs as being part of the criteria for emigration purposes.

Egypt is blockading Gaza. Get over it.

I have never claimed that Gaza needs to be forced in to poverty. Hamas needs to be eliminated for the sake not only of the Israelis but also the Gazans who you care about so much. And you're clearly a victim of Hamas propaganda, your posts are evidence of that.

Ask me to speak out about human rights abuses around the world in other countries and I'd be happy to do so. There are people who have it far worse than the Palestinians, whether in the West Bank or Gaza, but the world is extremely concerned about the situation in Israel while the camps in North Korea, the massacres in Syria, and the rights of women in Saudi Arabia (among other places) go largely unnoticed by the rest of the world. That isn't to say that Israel is perfect, it isn't. But the world (and you, by extension) spends way too much time going after a small problem when there are much larger ones out there.

Your comparison about the Holocaust is utter bullshit and you know it. If you could manage a normal conversation, perhaps you'd realize how wrong you are about these issues, how much you piss people off because you have no respect, decency, or manners, and what your reputation might be like if you listened to my advice and the advice of others here.

You can neither prove nor deny that Aaron (or anyone else in the Bible) was a mythical figure who never actually existed. OTOH, I can prove that I and a whole lot of other people (including some who post on this board) share a common ancestors, so while that person may have not been Aaron as described in the Bible, it gives a whole lot of credence to that theory.

You exhibit your lack of competence and qualifications on the issues at hand frequently, but that doesn't stop you from posting. But keep at it, maybe someday you can correct the errors of your ways.


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