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Re: ''I didn't know you were Jewish''?

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jul 21 16:26:48 2014, in response to Re: ''I didn't know you were Jewish''?, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Jul 21 16:17:49 2014.

If not, there's no need to promote anything. They are a member of a movement promoting something.

And? That doesn't make it a religion.

It's not political. If they don't believe in religion, that's great, but they are still promoting a stance here, and they makes them far from indifferent. They are proselytizing their beliefs, WHICH is no different than anyone else proselytizing their beliefs, which happen to be religious beliefs.

This is not to say I believe the religious more than the athiests, but once they begin proselytizing their beliefs, they have become more than just non-believers, they are believers in their own "religion" which is the absence of a deity.

Why would their "proselytizing" as you call it make them a religion by itself? If they believed all of the same things but failed to share or promote such belief would that make them not a religion? Does your definition of religion hinge on whether someone wants to share their religion?


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