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Re: Duck Dynasty Star: Women Should carry Bibles, cook, Marry at 15

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 1 02:37:11 2014, in response to Re: Duck Dynasty Star: Women Should carry Bibles, cook, Marry at 15, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Jan 1 02:31:43 2014.

Lemme 'splain. Both bingbong and I were in radio, television and public performances over the years. EACH had contracts with "morals clauses" and others in them, both of us ran afoul of them barely aware that we did. I got suspended several times, and am proud to have been a part of FCC vs. WBAI for playing George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words" on the ray-dee-oh in alleged violation of my contract. Google Howards Stern and why he's on satellite now ("Fuck the FCC") ... morals clauses make you move to a new station and rarely does it end up in court.

Not ONCE did it make the newspapers, or did anybody sue anybody else. I still had to take two weeks off and google never bothered to report it. So PROFF? Heh.

Do toss some hollandaise on that red herring though, I'll have mine on a kaiser roll. What happened with Dick Dynasty didn't get to court, but it was still violation of the most standard part of every performer's contract. You can even look up the "adverse publicity" clause boilerplate stuff, even google has THAT part. As to what happened to the moron and A&E, they decided to back off because the "adverse publicity" is bringing them new eyeballs right now. Once the eyeballs go away and it becomes a liability to A&E, bookmark this thread. Shithead WILL get fired for violating that clause once Disney stops making money on this publicity.


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