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Re: My idea for the BxM4

Posted by 9 local on Tue Oct 24 19:59:26 2006, in response to Re: My idea for the BxM4, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Oct 24 02:08:52 2006.

There's a reason why those express bus routes are still running.

Yes, and that's because the MTA paid for those routes because Bloomberg made it an all or nothing (almost forcing the all) deal. To add on to that, there is a clause in the MTA Bus contract that says that no route shall be cut until at least 18 months after the final company is taken over. That means, no cuts can be made until at least August 22, 2007. Oh, by the way, Metro North is more comfortable and MUCH MUCH faster (and less expensive) than the BxM4C (which, if taken over by MTA would be cut IMMEDIATELY). There is a reason why Bee Line is ordering fewer D4000CTs to replace their 96A2 fleet. The subway is always more efficient than the express bus REGARDLESS of whether or not it is more comfortable. Where there is duplication, express routes should not exist. Plus, name the express portion of the BxM4. THERE ISN'T ONE! It's a glorified really long limited route without the turnover that a limited route has.

If you're worried about Katonah Avenue, just add a branch of the Bx1/2 to Katonah: it's not that hard. A "one-seat ride" by definition has turnover that is way too low.

Passengers DO have a choice: they have the 4, the B, the D, the Bx1, the Bx2, and MANY MANY bus routes in the area: they don't need those unneccessary express routes.

I don't think there would be all that many angry passengers outside of MAYBE Riverdale if they lost all express bus service, ESPECIALLY if subway service were improved.


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