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Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd

Posted by Wakefield-241st Street on Fri Sep 16 12:59:48 2016, in response to Re: Fighting the DOT S(BS) on Woodhaven Blvd, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Sep 15 15:18:55 2016.

I am not here to prove you are always wrong. I could have posted that the MTA was wrong in the 34th Street elevator blog post and you were right. But I found out by facts and the ADA law that you were not correct. It happens that I disagreed with you on a lot of things because your facts are incorrect or you take things out of proportion - - a 150 feet long walk from Avenue Z to the Sheepshead Bay subway station is anything by long by your standards. It's an additional 45 seconds.

It is also evident that I have corrected you on quite a few occasions and at the same time, I agreed you on a few.

As one who reports on the Woodhaven Blvd SBS+ proposals, I am surprised for you to post a street (Woodhaven Blvd) which does extend into Howard Beach/Lindenwood. As a former public transportation planner, you should have an encyclopedic knowledge of NY streets. As one who posts that 20 of the 26 intersections should never have left turns banned on Woodhaven, I asked which engineer said that. You didn't answer (maybe I missed it) - - but an engineer makes the recommendation on that statement, not a city planner. An engineer performs studies and prepares reports while a planner, utilizes the engineering reports to plan streets based on the P.E. recommendations. The traffic flow is determined by civil engineering practices, not transportation planner practices.

I am neither a planner, nor an engineer - - and I have an immense knowledge of NYC streets (and now, most of the main streets within lower Westchester County) - - I have been reading maps almost all my life and I know what is correct and what is wrong.

You focus is taking your responses as constructive criticism - - not I am right and everyone else is wrong. Perhaps others who respond are wrong too but at the end of the day, your news stories are more anti SBS+ rather than suggesting alternate ideas. Granted, the MTA will not listen to them anyway because they are in lots of ways like you - - it's our plan and we don't offer to implement any solutions from anyone else.


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