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Re: Dictatorship not Democracyn

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri May 27 16:17:19 2016, in response to Re: Dictatorship not Democracyn, posted by R30A on Fri May 27 11:03:32 2016.

You can actually state that you have never complained about drivers in general in NYC. not giving pedestrians the right of way as a problem? If so, then you are a liar.

I stated exactly what you quoted that your chances of crossing the street safely is greater than your chance of being struck by lightning. NOW YOU SAY THAT IS NOT WHAT I STATED. And you add that using "struck" instead of killed makes it "an even more invalid comparison" That is utter nonsense.

Then you state that you are ten times more likely to be killed crossing the street than to be struck by lightning? What is your source? (The fatality rate from lightning strikes is irrelevant to this discussion.)

The odds of being struck by lighting within a period of one year in the US is approximately 1 in a million according to the National Weather Service. http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/odds.shtml

If we assume that those odds are the same in New York City, we then have to compare the number of safe street crossings versus the number of crossings that result in injury or death in a year.

Including visitors, there are about 14 million people in New York City everyday. If each person crosses the street only twice, that is 28 million crossings per day. If we multiply that by 300, we have at least 8,400,000,000 crossings per year. So there would have to be more than 8,400 injuries and deaths per year for your chances of getting hurt crossing the street to be greater than being struck by lightning. The number of annual pedestrian deaths in NYC are under 200 with about another 1200 injuries.

So your chances of getting struck by lighting is roughly eight times greater than getting hurt or killed crossing the street in NYC, and that number doubles if each person crosses an average of four streets instead of two every day.


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