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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Wed Feb 24 22:30:33 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Feb 24 21:21:14 2016.

If I take you at your word, You are citing proof of up to 17 as meaning 50. Not exactly convincing.

But lets have some fun!
A Blow by blow commentary on Allan Rosen's Metropolitan videos!

Video 1:
At 11 seconds in, we have FOUR vehicles queuing to make the turn west on Metropolitan.
Pans north at 16 seconds. SIX vehicles queuing to turn EAST onto Metropolitan.
By the time it pans south at 28 seconds, it appears EIGHT are headed EAST.
By 42 seconds, NINE are queued for the WEST turn, which is when the Left turn cycle starts.
EIGHT cars make it through to the WEST. NINE make it EAST. WEST turn appears to have two vehicles waiting for the next cycle. East turn has cleared fully.
That concludes the first video.

Video 2: (the excitement is building... can you feel it??)
Starting off, we have FIVE cars queued to turn EAST. Without seeing the WEST queue, the left turn starts at roughly 9 seconds. NINE make it WEST, without any way of telling how many are queued. NINE make it EAST, with ONE truck left trying to go EAST.

Video 3: (This has to be the climax... Waiting for it...!)
The video starts looking at the EASTBOUND queue. ONE car in it, quickly grows to two to three. At 10 seconds in, we pan south to the WESTBOUND queue. FIVE vehicles waiting for a WEST turn. By 31 seconds, we have panned back to the EAST queue, now holding FIVE vehicles as well. At 41 seconds, four cars come at once, bumping it up to NINE vehicles. At 49 seconds, the left turns start!!! NINE turn west. SEVEN make it to the EAST. At least one car is visible in the WEST queue by the time the left turn cycle ends. Two are waiting to turn EAST.

You claim the video shows SEVEN cars having to wait for the next cycle.

Never are there more than TWO seen.

Why do you hate being honest so much?


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