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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Feb 24 21:21:14 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by R30A on Wed Feb 24 15:25:08 2016.

The videos show as many vehicles as possible turn during the turning cycle which happens to be around ten. In one case one vehicle had to wait for the next cycle. In another case there were seven vehicles that had to wait for the next cycle.

The number of turns at this intersection cannot be considered light by any means since the entire turn cycle shows cars turning and not all cars could get through one signal cycle. One video shows 7 cars that could not get through on the first cycle. How can you ban turns at an intersection with a heavy number of turns without creating a new turn elsewhere in the vicinity? That would be just irresponsible.

And remember the videos were shot at random within minutes of each other. I have been there at other times when the queue was much longer extending past Cooper southbound and half way up the overpass northbound.

Also, cars and buses are moving fast. Buses would not move any faster with an exclusive lane, so one is not necessary during the off-peak. An analyses has to be performed as to where these cars would turn if turns were banned at this intersection to see the traffic impacts and how much time would be added to car trips considering bus riders would save no time from an exclusive lane if this is typical off-peak travel which it is as far as through traffic is concerned.


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