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Re: ''World Class Bus Rapid Transit'' for Woodhaven Blvd... lol

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 11 00:46:50 2014, in response to Re: ''World Class Bus Rapid Transit'' for Woodhaven Blvd... lol, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Mon Nov 10 05:41:55 2014.

So your solution is to increase the green time for Cooper? Don't you also have to consider what that would do to traffic on Metropolitan? The point is you have to figure all these things out to make sure everything will work before you come to a conclusion that you want SBS on Woodhaven. You don't first decide you will put in SBS and say we will just work out the traffic problems later because you may not be able to work them out later.

I have not seen anything about traffic volumes currently and what they would be after the proposed changes are made. That is the problem.

Funny you ask about the opposing traffic because my friend and I tried it out today around 3 PM when there was little traffic. The detour took about two extra minutes. It woud no doubly be much longer during the rush hour. We waited about 15 seconds for traffic to clear (like about 10 cars) before we could make that left. No one was parked in the sixty feet closest to the corner, so through traffic was able to go around us while we were waiting. It would be quite a different situation if those legal parking spaces had been occupied.

And if you remember our original discussion, I was saying that for this to work, parking would have to be banned near the corner and probably for the entire block during rush hours. You were the one who was insisting that the single lane on Cooper would work for through traffic as well as left turns.

Even doing all that might still be enough for the rush hours because you are adding all the cars who currently turn east onto Metropolitan from Woodhaven south plus all the cars that turn that turn onto Metropolitan west onto Cooper westbound. So if 11 cars during non rush hours in the first category are forced onto Cooper west plus 11 cars in the second category, and the cycles are 30 seconds each, that's 22 additional cars per minute in addition to the current traffic. I would expect turning volumes as well as through traffic to be even greater for the peak hours. Where is DOT's traffic volumes and projections? Why haven't they been shared with the public to convince us that this is in fact doable. It would be released if they have nothing to hide. That would be community involvement. Not the sham that is being passed off as community participation.


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