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Re: B44 Progress Report Released

Posted by R30A on Fri Jul 22 15:27:00 2016, in response to Re: B44 Progress Report Released, posted by R30A on Fri Jul 22 15:00:08 2016.

Page 6 continued:
"Nomention of Annual Ridership, Fare Evasionor Fare Machine Reliability"
They mentioned a directly related statistic for the first. The second has been shown to not have anything to do with SBS, and the third is not particularly important to riders.

"The progress report only discusses average weekday ridership as if weekends and major holidays which account for over 30 percent of the days that service is provided do not count. Using annual patronage statistics rather than statistics just for weekdays would have painted a more complete but perhaps less favorable picture."
Average weekday ridership is certainly a valid statistic to use for discussion. While weekends are roughly 30%, weekend ridership is well under 30%, so weekday ridership is often a more appropriate stat to use.

"Could the lower SBS passenger numbers during the first year be attributed to increased fare evasion?"
Theoretically possible, which is why it has been studied and proven false.

"Could an increase in enforcement account for the higher SBS patronage numbers the second year?"
Theoretically possible again, but this would only indicate that SBS is more of a success, from a total ridership perspective, than even the MTA claims.

"There is no data on fare machine reliability. What are the median and maximum times machines have been out of service and how often have all the machines at any particular stop been inoperable? These data are important."
These don't matter whatsoever to riders of the line. The answer is VERY RARELY with regards to all machines at a particular stop being offline.

"The Progress Report discusses none of these subjects."
Because it looks at things that matter to riders.

"A progress report needs to detail all significant eventsas well as providing adequate amounts of data to prove the case that most are better off with SBS than they were before with the Limited service, and must not only present partial factswith the intention of misleadingas is being done by the MTA and DOT."
There was no intention of misleading riders despite your desire to fan flames of conspiracy theories. The MTA/DOT have presented a great deal of information here, most of which they are under no real obligation to do.

"Customer SurveyThe MTA'scustomer satisfaction survey is grossly deficient."
Or so you claim. You also claimed that they never took these surveys earlier. hmm.

"All it states are that 91 percent of SBS users are either satisfied or very satisfied with the service."
A sign of great success!

"No date is given as to when the survey was taken, how many were surveyed, whether it was done in person, via mail back survey cards, or was a telephone survey."
They are constantly being given, through email. No idea if there are other modes as well. Regardless, it does not matter to the target of this report. It only matters to conspiracy theorists who think the MTA is out to trick riders.

"The MTA only saw fit to survey SBS passengers and not local passengers after SBS implementation."
Not true.

"Either that or they chose not to release the results of the reviews of local bus service because they were so unfavorable."

"Those forced to switch from the Limited to the Local such as many Avenue R passengers or those boarding or destined for Kings County/ DownstateMedicalCentercomplexes,were omitted from the survey results, thereby skewing the results only toward SBS passengers."
Yes. Surveys of SBS passengers only show SBS passengers. That is the point of a survey of SBS passengers.

"We have no indication how local passengers presently feel about B44 service since SBS implementation."
This is not looking at local B44 service. LOCAL B44 SERVICE IS UTTERLY IRRELEVANT. (And despite what you state, Local B44 service was greatly expanded in many areas as part of SBS)

"Therefore, the customersurvey is worthless.Bus Rider SummaryIn summary, the MTA fails to prove that more bus passengers benefit than those who are inconvenienced as a result of Limited service being replaced by SBS and a change in the B44 bus route from New York to Rogers Avenue in the northbound direction reducing New York Avenue Service for half the riders."

Those most severely inconvenienced are passengers bound for the Kings County Hospital / Downstate Medical Center complex which can now only be directly accessed by the local. An additional transfer or a walk of over a quarter mile is required in the northbound direction for SBS passengers which now uses Rogers Avenue (where service was doubled) instead of New York Avenue(where it was cut in half).

"Articulated buses with ahigher capacity are only provided for SBS service while standard buses are used for the local. Since patronage levels are similar, locals must be much more crowded than SBS buses which also could account for a preference toward SBS."
Not necessarily true. If the SBS riders have a longer average ride distance, the same riders will take up more space on the bus, as they have a greater overlap.

"However, no data regarding crowding is provided"
I'd be interested too.


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