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Posted by BMTLines on Sat Feb 23 08:06:52 2008, in response to Re: NOT ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by AMoreira81 on Sat Feb 23 06:49:26 2008.

This is why I posted the MTA's response in addition to all relevant correspondence I could find on the issue. I report - you decide ;-)

It appears that the authorities on the ground are making photography the issue in their verbal communication to photographers. Nilet was not told "please exit this platform if you do not have a ticket for this train", he was told "photography is illegal". If they simply said the former and he refused to obey then we would not be arguing here today (at least I wouldn't). The problem is they made an issue about the photography and used trespassing as the excuse to write a summons since there is no law against photography.

You will probably have noticed that I am a staunch defender of photographer's rights. However I do not advocate defying cops on the ground. What I do and what I advocate is that each and every time a photographer is told to "move on" or "no photos", etc. is that he should not just take it in stride and accept that "times have changed". Those incidents no matter how minor in the eyes of the photographer should be ranted about on the internet and in the media if possible and reported to the NYCLU and any other agency that takes complaints (i.e. CCRB, 311, etc). The authorities must be exposed for what they are doing to photographers until heavy public pressure is brought to bear forcing them to stop the harassment. Public pressure is what forced the MTA to back down on its photo ban and public pressure and legal action are what is going to force them to back down on this as well.


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