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Re: WMATA: 7k cars are not composed of 2 married pairs

Posted by Sand Box John on Tue Jul 27 10:39:34 2010, in response to Re: WMATA: 7k cars are not composed of 2 married pairs, posted by Widecab5 on Tue Jul 27 08:58:16 2010.

Well that's certainly more complete than the sketchy answers received over the weekend, though the total quoted to me was 728 new cars by something like 2018, not 648.

The 748 figure come from adding the rehabilitation of the 100 4k cars to the 648 new 7k cars figure.

Another difference was the observation that a future overhaul for the 5000's and 6000's would require them to become compatible with the 7000's (as the 4000's are supposed to be if I understand correctly). This is apparently not an option for the 2000s and 3000s, and it remains questionable how long they will remain useful and/or cost effective once the 7000's do arrive and the "second generation fleet" of they mixed with the overhauled 4000s/5000s/6000s is formed by about 2020. That would leave the 2000s and 3000s as an "orphaned fleet" so to speak.

The 2 and 3k cars have had their mid life rehabilitation, Other then overhauling various individual components and system over the up coming years they will likely be retired from service when the reach the end of their useful life.

Its a little to early to be speculating as to what will happen when the 5 and 6k cars reach the point when a mid life rehabilitation need to be done

In addition, there was a great deal of angst expressed about some of the previous WMATA General Manager's decisions regarding Metrorail and its new fleet. Specifically described were some amusing histrionics about seat configuration and materials, as well as the knowledge that Metro does not have sufficient power capacity to handle the 8-car trains to be created by the 7000's on a system wide basis without a massive upgrade. In the course of conversation it sounded like the previous management deliberately avoided addressing this issue.

WMATA went to off the shelf interior furnishing to reduce both up front and maintenance costs. Floor coverings were change to reduce maintenance costs.

WMATA began a power upgrade program back in the late 1990s. last I heard it was about one third complete.

Lastly I have a question: where did you get those nice Metro car drawings posted yesterday?

The profile graph is my work. The 7k drawing I did a several months ago, the 1k drawing I did about 15 years ago. The interior seating configuration drawing was ripped from the 7000 Series Railcar Program Contract Award (1.65 MB PDF file). The same document also has numbers in the table form my previous post

John in the sand box of Maryland's eastern shore.

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