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Re: ZMan, that is great news, replacing the M train with the V train.

Posted by Eric B on Thu Jan 7 16:58:26 2010, in response to ZMan, that is great news, replacing the M train with the V train., posted by Chipper10 on Wed Jan 6 09:16:26 2010.


Well, I never thought they would reduce the V like that, but since they're in drastic cutback mode, it's more believable, and if they're willing to do this, then, hey; it would be great for us in this area! Give us acess we've never really had. (It would be inconvenient for my wife who's going to school down by City Hall now, and she hates transferring!)
But otherwise, it would show people the connection, and perhaps create demand (hope this doesn't deter them).

I doubt it would require any more cars to run, than present. CTL-MET would probably be no longer than BPY-MET, and don't forget, since it would be merging two lines, you're actually running half as many cars. The service would likely still be based at ENY, though some cars would likely be stored at JYD, basically like they're stored at CIY now.
More 46's would then be sent to PIT/207, and there would probably be a surplus. Perhaps the worst of the 44's would be mothballed.
Wonder which district (section) it would be (North or Queens).

Now, when the Culver/Gowanus viaduct work is finished, I would still hope they would run the V to Church on weekedays, and keep the MET service for weekends. They really should consider putting the third track at 72/2 back in the SAS design, because that would be a possible terminal for Met via 6th service on weekdays, should the demand to keep that service remain.

Anoother thing I just realized; since the (V) always gets suspended when there are serious delays on the line or even the other lines, then this service would make it easier to stage the line (start up service again), since part of it in a remote area (Essex-MET) would still be running.


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