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Re: Walk between the cars why? When you can Ride on the Back of them.

Posted by Subterranean Railway on Thu Sep 24 12:13:57 2009, in response to Re: Walk between the cars why? When you can Ride on the Back of them., posted by f179dj on Thu Sep 24 12:04:49 2009.

Today's braking systems no longer result in a stone-wall stop.

Indeed; weren't maximum deceleration rates reduced because of lawsuits? (You of all people would probably recall specific cases.)

If you, as a surfer, had miscalculated back there and were hanging on by a hand, would you rather the train stopped in 300 feet or 600 feet.

If I, as a surfer, had mis-calculated, the point would be moot; I'd most likely end up dead or severely injured either way. However, if I, as a surfer, were doing just fine and subjected to sudden deceleration, the consequences could be dire. Naturally, it's hardly feasible for a member of the traincrew to determine how well I'm doing, but I'd nonetheless err on the side of caution.


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