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Re: Article: Millions of Passengers Manage to Find the AirTrain

Posted by WillD on Thu Aug 27 00:19:29 2009, in response to Re: Article: Millions of Passengers Manage to Find the AirTrain, posted by JohnL on Wed Aug 26 22:09:02 2009.

I understand your point, but why is that important to the PA? The airport circulator isn’t free, there is some part of the charge build into the PFC fee on the airline ticket. Unlike Jamaica, no service is being provided off airport property.

If the demand is then biased towards Howard Beach, then provide more trains.

That is true, but if they're going to provide a financial disincentive to use the Jamaica branch and reduce its ridership down to those for whom the ride via Howard Beach simply isn't worth their time then why bother building the Jamaica branch at all? I feel the regional connectivity provided by the Jamaica to JFK link is potentially vital, but if it were to operate with its current five dollars in what is essentially competition with a free Howard Beach connection the ridership would never justify its construction.

Then extend AirTrain to La Guardia, where it has the potential to be really useful and run the two airports as one.

I'd love to see that done as well, but I believe the line from Contact was "...why build one when you can have two at twice the price?" I'd be willing to bet the PANJNY could easily build an extension of the line to LGA, and it'd make a lot of sense to do so. It'd make even more sense to run it over to Astoria Blvd to connect to the N and W, and then integrate the fare system to provide some manner of free transfer from the Subway to this new peripheral line across Queens. Unfortunately I don't see them doing any of that any time soon.

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