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Re: LIC Yuppies get steamed

Posted by Nilet on Mon Jul 6 15:30:20 2009, in response to Re: LIC Yuppies get steamed, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon Jul 6 14:26:09 2009.

 So the mob never blew anything up? Never killed anyone?

We can argue technicalities without ever seeing eye to eye; I think the main dispute is one of purpose. I think that locking up, torturing, and killing innocent people is a bad thing, and the existence of some people somewhere who want to blow things up doesn't justify it. To that end, we need to make sure that the people we lock up are, in fact, guilty of whatever it is they're accused of— and confessions coerced through torture, the president or CIA's say-so, or the word of a bounty hunter paid for each person he hands over regardless of what they did or who they are don't count.

"Enemy combatant" is a meaningless term made up for political purposes. If we're fighting an old-fashioned war, then enemy soldiers captured are prisoners of war, subject to the protection of the Geneva conventions. Anyone else accused of wrongdoing is an accused criminal, subject to the protections of US law (ie, the Constitution).

By the way, you're free to explain how a Canadian on his way home from vacation is an "enemy combatant," if you want.

I'd also like to hear why, exactly, you trust the government with the absolute power to declare anybody an "enemy combatant" and imprison them with no oversight and no need to explain their actions.


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