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Re: It doesn't matter who the engineer was texting with...

Posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Sun Sep 14 09:29:48 2008, in response to It doesn't matter who the engineer was texting with..., posted by Fine, Howard, and Fine on Sun Sep 14 08:13:28 2008.

Well, I guarantee something like these kinds of rules infractions are why Metro-North is toying with the idea of installing cameras in the cabs facing the engineers seat, though it is being fought tooth and nail by both engineers and conductors (I always say if that's what they wanna do, LET THEM....a funny fuck like me will give that camera something to record, like those occasional itchy ass and balls days!! LMAO!! Or when I have that major nose boggle that requires good picking, and I juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust happen to be close to the camera!! LMAO!!

And it's not just engineers who do the cell/text thing and get distracted. There is, in particular, this one girl here at MNR, fellow conductor (name remains anonymous) who is infamous for, and has been in trouble already for, being on the cell, with or without Bluetooth, while doing her revenue collections and sweeps, and even texting while doing revenue collections/sweeps, much to the anger and annoyance of other crew members for whom she has to split assigned cars of work with, and she constantly leaves the sharing crew member to the lion's share of the work, and yeah it has happened on some of my trains where I get complaints from the crew, and yeah one has to tell her to pick up the slack and lay off the phone. And plenty of times, there are conductors who are supposed to be paying attention on reverse moves in the yards, or even on the main (names/identities anonymous) who choose to be on the phone too. Me, I do NOT use Bluetooth at all, not even when I drive, much less when on the train, do I use a phone during an attention-sensitive moment.


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