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Re: Second Ave Alignment Change

Posted by MainR3664 on Sat Jun 21 16:22:24 2008, in response to Re: Second Ave Alignment Change, posted by RonInBayside on Sat Jun 21 12:30:42 2008.

I realize that Queens was a different place in 1930 than today. I also certainly don't want to go back to the days of total disregard for the environment & worker safety as well as rampant discrimination which existed in America in the old days.

But I would think with the advances in technology, it should make construction more, not less efficient, to the point where the line may not even get built at all.

In fact, I think it's a question of political will and influence. Cosnider the two new stadiums beiong built with public backing (I think in terms of public guarantees of the bonds, but I'll admit I don't know the details, other than there is some sort of public sponsorship). The stadiums, while possibly nice, represent private interests, and I have a hard time with putting tax dollars on the line for them in any way.

The SAS, and many other transit and highway (I said the "h" word, LOL) projects serve a PUBLIC interest, and yet there's just never enough $$ for them in NY.

Also, let's consider this:

1968 (or thereabouts)

1) NYC Issues the "Plan for Action"- no need for me to cite all of its elements here;

2) Washington DC plans (or begins building) its Metro from scratch.

3) I was born (this was definitely in '68, LOL)


1) Six stations from the plan for action actually exist, and those stations are on separate lines. There's also a somewhat useful alternate routing to get Queens Blvd trains to the Manhattan IND, and there's two concrete lined holes in Harlem. The Myrtle Ave & Third Avenue lines were demolished and not replaced.

Dat's it.

2) Washington DC completed its Metro. The Metro includes tunnels under streets, under water, bridges over water, elevated and at grade sections, and direct link to a major airport (no silly "Air Train"). Locals complain about it, and I think it's a little dull, but it's there, and it works. Plans to expand it further seem to have realistic chances of realization.

3) I spend too much time on Sub and Bus Chat, and accordingly remain single.


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