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Re: Elected Officials Call for Extension of Q Line to Supplement Roosevelt Island

Posted by Eric B on Fri Jan 25 19:07:43 2008, in response to Re: Elected Officials Call for Extension of Q Line to Supplement Roosevelt Island, posted by Dupont Circle Station on Fri Jan 25 11:53:11 2008.

What could be done which would avoid all of that would be to connect the local track to 63rd. St. The track bed is there (though they built a concrete electrical room on it), and it merges right into the 63rd St. track at the top pf the ramp. This is because it was originally built to swing West to CPW, which BMT was trying to get. On the south bound side, the local trackbed veers away from the 63rd St. tracks. But once SAS is built, and nothing is terminating at 57th, it would not be as hard to bring the R onto the express track with the Q and cross it over afterward, as it would be in the northbound direction where the R would be merging in front of the Q.

Still, all of this stuff they are not going to do; as some of you know. What would benefit Roosevelt Island without changing up Broadway service like that, is to have the Queens/lower SAS line go through there. But still, they do not plan to use that connection, for the same reason the G on weekdays had to go. I had also thought of something like making the V the lower SAS line. But they don't seem to be considering any such thing. They probably feel more people want the 6th Ave./Bway corridor in the middle of the island, rather than the far East side.

BEfore the final Mahnattan Bridge completion plans came out, I had hoped they would replace the few E's from 179th with Q's, and the extra E's would instead come out of Jamaica Yard and run local from COntinental to Roosevelt Ave. (so that some local riders there would have a one seat ride to the express and not transfer at Roosevelt). But they don't seem to be into doing "specials" like that anymore, ulness it is an operational necessity (like the E's from 179th due to lack of space elsewhere).

Plus, since it is now decided that the Q is to extend into the upper SAS, they do not like to do major changes like that that are temporary, unless it is a phase of the final service plan. That's one reason they were holding off on the F express in Brooklyn. They didn't want to start it and then have to interrupt it for the reconstruction. Now, one person suggested this would be a sort of emergency temporary plan to address the shutdown of the Tram. That would be more of a reason for them to do it, but as others have pointed out, not turning trains right in front of the busy F line. A good solution to that in which 63rd could have been used as an intermediate terminal again would have been Sunnyside Yard. But it seems they dropped the idea of giving a part of that to Transit.

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