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Re: LACMTA committee votes for subway barrier gates

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Fri Jan 18 00:01:23 2008, in response to LACMTA committee votes for subway barrier gates, posted by Easy on Thu Jan 17 23:20:38 2008.

Easy ,
to me the goal is once again to destroy any hope for any
real rail tranist here in los angeles light rail too
& the failure of the los angeles transit coalition the damm winmps
its like the destruction of the pacific electric all over again !!
once again make and put up as many barriers and obstructions to
any real rail tranist progress as much as possible here oh yea !
target the transit riding public again reduce and destroy rail
public transportation for the transit dependent as much as possible
force us sheep back into our personal cars and buses again !!!
raise the vehicle fees and PETRO [ gas - diesel ] costs
as sky high as possible crack down on smog checks so only the most
rich can afford to drive eventually rip up the rail transit
systems again just like in the days of the pacific electric
and only just to catch some free loaders riders ??
hell a better investment would be to add more security guards
and sheriffs officers etc fare payment check personell
i am not making sense aint' I ??


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