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Re: Time for the MTA to cash in on the graffiti in the system...

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Sat Jan 5 16:07:13 2008, in response to Time for the MTA to cash in on the graffiti in the system..., posted by Christopher Rivera on Sat Jan 5 14:27:48 2008.

I sortof can see what you mean. If it is actual '70s graffiti, it is unlikely that the artists are even still around or care that their stuff is being used. However, if it is newer, it may encourage youngsters to resume tagging in the hopes that it gets "selected" to be on Rockawear apparel. For a tagger, the goal is to get their "work" seen by everyone (thus moving trains and tunnels, heh I wonder if advertisers got the idea of wraps and tunnel ads from them!). Thus there's no greater an ego boost than seeing it replicated for them, and people spending money on it to boot. Until they realize, of course, that about 3 different companies/agencies are suddenly profiting off their work. The smart ones would then decide to go through more legitimate routes, but unfortunately the dumb ones (and ones that suck) would stick to what they know, and tag normally.

Some areas the graffiti is still there (Brighton line, emergency exits, etc) and they've even installed equipment above the layer of graffiti, making it difficult to completely clean, making me think it will probably always be there. Non-offensive (and potentially "pretty") segments could get a "MTA Arts for Transit" stamp on it, turning something that was a sign of TA neglect into "oh yeah, we left this here on purpose".

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