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Re: WMATA Latest N Route Silver line news

Posted by Sand Box John on Sun Dec 16 07:21:42 2007, in response to Re: WMATA Latest N Route Silver line news, posted by RonInBayside on Sat Dec 15 13:44:35 2007.

You mean the money that goes into a trust fund which the Bush Administration borrows against to reduce deficits caused by Iraq spending?

The percentage of the federal budget spent by the Department of Defense is at a historical low.
President Bush has increased the size of the federal budget by signing appropriation legislation that rivals what was done during the era of the Great Society.

If it were up to me that amount would be at least 7 cents. The current amount is a travesty.

$0.02.85 is 15.48% of $0.18.4. That's well above the less then 3% of the population that uses transit. $0.07 is 38% of $0.18.4. That percentage would be a negative benefit to the people that paid those motor fuel taxes.

John in the sand box of Maryland's eastern shore.

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