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Re: PHOTO: Re: M Train Bumper car....

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 6 21:18:45 2007, in response to Re: PHOTO: Re: M Train Bumper car...., posted by DOB2RTO on Tue Nov 6 21:13:21 2007.

What happens if they have a bad day?

Depends on how bad you screw up their railroad...

I have heard the way they talk on the radio, then you have to "call" that same person after its said and done, knowing you screwed up just waiting to hear that person tell you..

"Somebody is bringing you down to see us"

Expect to pee in a cup after...

We can care less up here at surface.

Thats Surface this is RTO Night and Day im sure some people in RTO feel the same way about Surface..

Not me far as im concnernd we are all in the smae boat.

We all got pass numbers which can be given to somebody in a second..


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