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Re: How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!)

Posted by Nilet on Sat May 5 10:47:55 2007, in response to Re: How NOT to handle an encounter with police (Re: ROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY DESTROYED!), posted by SMAZ on Sat May 5 04:34:25 2007.


Yeah, some refresher classes are certainly needed for the underground folks. One of the TA workers (who may have called the cops) at Utica actually had the audacity to say: "Well, the website says that photography is permitted for (unintelligible) reason, but common sense should tell you that it's not allowed."

(In the interests of accuracy, I don't know whether the reason she gave for 1050.9(c) permitting photography without actually applying to photography was inaudible or whether I was simply stunned by incredulity and unable to parse it.)


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