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Re: Jamaica Av EL Track Question

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Sep 4 17:26:04 2006, in response to Re: Jamaica Av EL Track Question, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon Sep 4 13:44:36 2006.

Judging by the Alabama "launchpad", that must have been a provision to make a "double decked" express track along Fulton, I guess as part of the rebuilding of Broadway Junction-Eastern Parkway.

I don't understand what in the world they were thinking though when they built the Jamaica El. Why in the world would they have built it with all local stations from Cypress Hills to 160th St? I find that incredibly foolish. They should have just built Woodhaven as a provision for an express station. it may have spent it's entire life being operated like Wyckoff Ave station, but at least if the express track ever came through, it wouldn't have meant rebuilding the entire station? If they were planning to put in an express track anyway, and Woodhaven was thought to be a logical choice for an express station (someone mentioned there is a provision built into that station to tear it down and make a two island platform station out of it), why did they even bother spending the money on building it as a local station, just to someday tear it down? It doesn't make sense.

As for the Fulton section of the Jamaica line, I believe it serves a lot more people easier where it is now in the middle of a neighborhood, as opposed to have had it on Jamaica Ave next to a cemetery on one side of the street. The logical choice would have been to build the express track up throug the Cypress Hills station, over the Manhattan local track, run as a single track el without stations along Jamaica Ave, and rejoin the local tracks at Broadway Junction-Estern Parkway. that today would also be the logical choice if an express track was to come through....


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