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Re: Caught Some Great Sounds of the R9's at Broadway Lafayette

Posted by heypaul on Sun Dec 3 11:50:34 2023, in response to Re: Caught Some Great Sounds of the R9's at Broadway Lafayette, posted by Mr RT on Sun Dec 3 10:31:45 2023.

I just made it to 2nd Ave for the 10 am first trip by about 4 minutes. I got on the train and was appauled by the number of people on the train, talking and taking pictures. I tried to find a car with some decent compressor sounds, but was distracted by all the people's rumbling. I got off at Broadway Lafayette went over to the other platform to go back to 2nd Ave to retrieve my bike. But then I noticed the conductor working the door controls and i found my sounds. It was a successful day.


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