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Re: Deadly incident @ 125 St (2)(3) station, service changes

Posted by Michael549 on Sun Jul 5 14:16:22 2020, in response to Re: Deadly incident @ 125 St (2)(3) station, service changes, posted by randyo on Sat Jul 4 03:05:33 2020.

I am only going to say this once, because:

a) I really prefer to talk about transit related issues - it is my escape, and

b) there are just too many times when a "trope" gets started that begs for a response, and

c) I tend to write long responses - so you have been warned. (Smile)

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On Sat Jul 4 03:05:33 2020 - Randyo said, "Black lives only matter when they are allegedly assaulted by White cops!"

Randyo - over the years I have come to respect you greatly for your knowledge and insights - so I hope that you can understand my great disappointment with this statement.

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With that in mind:

1) Plenty, plenty of people are disgusted by crimes, killings and murders of all types.

A whole range of feelings and thoughts come out. Some folks even attempt to organize to "do something." How about WE organize about "distracted driving" as a way to reduce crimes within the subways!

2) If "all lives mattered" - then saying "Black lives matter" would be redunant.

Didn't "we" as a country have to go through civil rights marches, civil rights laws, protests and a whole civil war? Didn't "we" as a country have to have women's rights marches, gay rights marches, and various protests over the decades on a number of issues. Didn't "we as a country" declare the rights of native Americans and non-white folks to be "null and void". If "all lives really mattered" - then so much of our history as a country would really have been very different. The goal to work toward is that in fact - all lives matter.

3) The NYC Audubon Society gathers to protect the many species of birds living in the 30,000 acres of wetlands, forests, and grasslands of New York City. Complaining that the group is "unconcerned" with the protection of sea life and its creatures - would be an example of "changing the subject".

It is not that the NYC Audubon Society membership is "unconcerned" with the protection of sea-life, racism, or elimination of other societal problems - it is that the group's charter statments and activities are about the protection of birds. There are folks that want to "change the subject" not because they really want a change or any kind of reform, but to stop the conversation. Why they want to stop the conversation is a whole other matter.

The group Black Lives Matter calls for 10 specific changes to policing policy, including body cameras, an end to “policing for profit,” better training, and stricter limits on the use of force. The group organized to fight and limit legalized murder, and state violence. Are many of the members of Black Lives Matter concerned about other issues - of course they are!

Would not better behaved, more accountable, less abusive police departments make people in poor black communities more inclined to involve law enforcement in disputes before they turn deadly, to cooperate more during homicide investigations, and to collaborate with the cops in making their blocks safer? In the process making everyone safer. Some would call that a good goal to achieve.

Would not better policing make white communities safer? That is actually where a lot of crime occurs - especially in poor white communities - but "we" don't talk about that, and there are few groups organized about those issues that get publicity. As usual we are not going to talk about "white collar crime" and related crimes - because that is a whole huge topic.

4) We gather here to talk about transit issues - so anyone who would ask us "why we don't talk about the un-drinkable water that affects many major cities" - would be changing the subject. Would we feel offended if someone were to attempt to take us to task for being unconcerned about _________. Yes, we as a group would feel offended.

5) Does anyone really need to be told that murder and other crimes from the "criminal elements out there" are not legal? Does anyone really need to be told that "the criminal elements out there" does not respond to rallies to government officials or legislative efforts, or any petitions of redress.

Criminals do not respond to rallies and marches - they attempt to take advantage of such affairs to cause more damage and crime. It is surprising how so many good folks simply do not understand that.

6) Crime has declined in recent decades - especially murder and other major crimes. Also police shootings have declined in recent decades. While that is true - it simply does not reduce the hurt and pain of present day killings, crimes and other happenings. Should "we" not attempt to reduce all of the various kinds of deaths, killings, crimes and other happenings? Just why are "we" wearing masks during this time period? To reduce death and injury - that is why.

7) Yes, Every One Is Concerned About Crime. Most people are killed by someone they know or by someone in their neighborhood. Most white folks are killed by white folks, and so on. There are plenty of "Karen's" and "Chad's" out there that are not helping to make sure that all lives really matter. Distracted driving kills many, many folks - maybe that should be the topic of discussion.

8) There are several forms and responses to reduce death and injury - making things safer, etc. in many arenas. Plenty of these efforts simply do not make the news or block traffic - but they are there - if you want to look closely enough. Most folks don't want to look.

9) I have been told that I am long-winded, and write long responses. I grant the point. I will understand if some folks say, take this to the "Off-Topic Chat" section. I am done!



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