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Re: 1938 NYC BOT document showing original plan for 76th Street as Elderts Lane

Posted by randyo on Fri Jul 3 19:04:33 2020, in response to Re: 1938 NYC BOT document showing original plan for 76th Street as Elderts Lane, posted by K. Trout on Fri Jul 3 01:30:00 2020.

The through routing of Pitkin may not have been so much to provide for a subway to Queens as it was to provide a logical through street between Bkln and Queens. Looking at some of the old maps, it did seem a bit silly to have Pitkin stop at the Bkln/Qns border and have Old South Rd start at the same border a short half block north. With no houses in the area at the time it probably didn’t ruffle many feathers to run a street through vacant property especially if it was done at the time of the depression when people who probably couldn’t afford to build on their properties were only too glad to get condemnation money from the city.

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