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Re: Why are MTA workers not striking due to tonight's conductor assault?

Posted by Joe on Fri Jul 19 09:38:59 2019, in response to Re: Why are MTA workers not striking due to tonight's conductor assault?, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jul 19 08:57:34 2019.

For years I belonged to a union subject to the various modifications of the Taylor Law. Only once did we strike, then for a single day. The people we served were thoroughly angry at the strike. Sorry, even Mike Quill did not earn sympathy for his strikes. In many areas where the public is severely affected, strikes are counter-productive.
Also, I must distinguish between assaults (punches, spitting, knifing) and marijuana busts and fare evasion. Assaults must be punished severely. The other foul behavior has to be seen in light of other factors, as Prohibition taught the U.S.
Sutphin/Archer is where I paid my subway fare entering the city over the past few decades. I was aware of two opposing factors: 1) the creeps that hang out trying to "help" the unwary. And 2) the police who might entrap by motioning me to enter an emergency gate (never happened), but I distrust a system that has deniable quotas. When the turnstile stole a fare from me, I used a second card rather than risk encounter with police. It's that quota problem that troubles SI express bus riders per another thread.
Message: Don't strike, but protest assaults like hell.

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