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Re: New rolling stock for NJT

Posted by Nilet on Thu Dec 13 23:28:03 2018, in response to Re: New rolling stock for NJT, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Dec 13 17:14:27 2018.

People can control their weight.

Not really. Losing a substantial amount of weight permanently through choice alone isn't something people are generally capable of.

Also, making fun of weight, where it encourages weight loss, promotes good health.

There's two assumptions in that one sentence.

First, fat-shaming does not, in any way shape or form, contribute to weight loss.

Second, weight loss does not generally promote good health.

Having a big nose or ears isn’t unhealthy.

Nor is having a few extra pounds on.

The idea that obesity is unhealthy traces back to studies that found a correlation between obesity and poor health and assumed an incorrect causal relationship (ie, that obesity causes poor health; in actuality, poverty causes both obesity and poor health). However, the study and the conclusions drawn therefrom are actually part of a deeper bias intrinsic to our culture.

For nearly all of history, society has tended to assume that beauty means health, and "beauty" is defined in a manner associated with the rich. For most of human history, food was scarce and expensive, so a paunch was a trait associated with rich people who could afford it and therefore beautiful. That society as a whole switched over to believing that being fat is "ugly" at exactly the point in history where being fat became more associated with the poor than the rich is no coincidence; that society produced, with the aid of biased or misinterpreted science, a "study" showing being fat to be unhealthy is no coincidence either.


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