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Re: Darwin Award on the Metro North New Haven line

Posted by Steamdriven on Thu Sep 20 14:32:10 2018, in response to Re: Darwin Award on the Metro North New Haven line, posted by Joe V on Thu Sep 20 12:05:26 2018.

Doofus thought process doesn't work along the same logic as sentient humans. I recall reading of one doofus who convinced his girlfriend that it was OK to cross tracks in 3rd rail territory because "The 3rd rail is only on when the train's on top of it".

Now, HOW is that accomplished? Do you see a series of train detectors and huge trackside relays, some smoking and chuffing out sparks (cuz that's too many outdoor fixtures to maintain 100%) every time a train goes by? Do you see crews get out and reset those when either the detector or the mongo-current relay fails?
yes I know there's a European streetcar system that actually does this, but that's a) recent b) far from a commuter rail system c) nowhere in the USA and d only us nerds even know it exists

No, Doofus runs on "whatever bull chit I can get someone to believe". When convenient, they believe their own bull, then it's "NotMyFaultIDontKnowNothin". Fortunately, girlfriend in that case wasn't wearing a party dress and heels, and didn't trip over a rail, ballast or other obstacle, at least not that day.

There was a videographer who was hosting some NYU film students (maybe the project was "Can our stupidity burn a hole to China?") who decided to set up a man-lift crane next to the overhead lines. He decided that the power lines HAD TO be phone lines because they were "insulated". More like "because I feel like setting up the crane here", way closer than the legal min clearance from power lines.

The lift was being used for filming, and various cables were routed on and around the mini-crane including some going several hundred feet, including some to the camera one of the NYU dippies was holding. Kid never knew what hit him, but it hurt. Probably 13,000 volts, he was bleeding out of his mouth. DOA.
The lift rental place explicitly warns about power lines, there's even a sticker on the lift. But of course, "film director" claimed "Not My Fault".


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