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Re: Why are the Q and B local/express swapped Brooklyn/Manhattan?

Posted by Nilet on Fri Apr 13 22:09:51 2018, in response to Re: Why are the Q and B local/express swapped Brooklyn/Manhattan?, posted by Broadway Lion on Fri Apr 13 10:58:40 2018.

You have BRONX tracks and QUEENS tracks

Yes, local and express tracks going to different destinations is customary. Not always different boroughs, but they usually go to different destinations.

Queens trains make two more stops in Manhattan than the Bronx trains.

Yes, and when one train makes fewer stops than another train on the same route, that's called an "express."

There are no express/local tracks on 6th Avenue.

That has not been true since 1968. You might want to pay another visit to the line. Try riding a B or D train— they run on the inner tracks the whole way, and bypass some stations. That's called an "express."

Queens express and Queens locals both run on this side.

Bronx express and Bronx locals both run on that side.

I went to 14th Street, but I couldn't find any Bronx trains. This baffled me; since there are no express tracks, all trains should stop there but the D was nowhere to be found.

So I went over to the IRT, which has no express tracks and no express service— just South Ferry tracks and Brooklyn tracks with South Ferry trains and Brooklyn trains, none of which are express.

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