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Re: The Subways Melted Down Real Good (Again) This Morning

Posted by Steamdriven on Fri Apr 13 17:07:44 2018, in response to Re: The Subways Melted Down Real Good (Again) This Morning, posted by Broadway Lion on Fri Apr 13 11:23:12 2018.

"When I did a nursing rotation at the State Hospital, there was one patient who needed complete lock down in a padded cell in the forensic unit. He was the only one"

Here, there is a wide variety of people in the shelter system. Many of them are why the shelters are bad places, it's not the bricks in the building causing the problems. Other issues are caused by the staff, e.g. many (not all) of the guards who are hired behave like you'd expect from small time criminals. The proportion of people who want to clean up and have a straight sort of life is well under half, the proportion who want to and will stay that way is around 10%. There ARE a few decent people stuck in that system, but they are the exception and are despised by the regulars, staff included.

Out where you are, it's probably manageable. Here, it's film noir, everything's corrupt and those running it like it that way. There's a lotta money in drugstance 'rehab', halfway, 3/4, 5/8 and .8251 houses* and overpriced city-paid shelter beds. The druggies don't want to go straight, that means showing up on time and following orders. TPTB don't want people leaving the system, that's bad for business. When you have a corrupt culture, you can't fix it by being helpful.

*I invented the last two. There are some programs nobody talks about which provide free housing and a list of otherwise expensive bennies, but you can't be a straight-up type and get into them.

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