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Re: $787K Study Seeks to Find Ways to Encourage Subway Riders to Ride LIRR and MNRR

Posted by lirr42 on Wed Apr 11 12:08:38 2018, in response to Re: $787K Study Seeks to Find Ways to Encourage Subway Riders to Ride LIRR and MNRR, posted by Broadway Lion on Tue Apr 10 11:21:02 2018.

There is no evidence passengers are any less safe onboard trains with OPTO than they are with three, eight, or more employees. If there was, people would have actually cited something instead of just talking in straw-man hypotheticals.

In the UK, where OPTO is much more common, the Rail Safety and Standards Board, the UK-equivalent of the FRA, studied the impact of OTPO on safety. From the report mentioned here:
We have 30 years of data which we have analysed. We have found that the driver performing the task does not increase the risk to passengers at all.

A number of projects have been published by RSSB over the last 15 years on various aspects of DCO (Driver Controlled Operation) on passenger trains. None of these pieces of work has identified any increased risk from dispatching a train without a guard being present

The UK Office of Rail and Road found that:
Trains with...Driver Only Operation have been in operation in Great Britain for more than 30 years. ORR has scrutinised this approach, and our inspectors are satisfied that with suitable equipment, proper procedures and competent staff in place, it is a safe method of working

No, things in New York or the United States are not different.

No, things would not be different on the LIRR or Metro-North.

There is no actual evidence OPTO is any less safe than 3PTO or that 3PTO is any less safe than 8PTO. Nobody has provided any examples of a train with OPTO being involved in an accident where the evidence showed the outcome would have been different if there were conductors onboard.

All the evidence that actually does exist confirms the idea that having conductors onboard trains before, during, or after an accident has little impact on passenger safety.

Also note that with things like Positive Train Control and the furtherance of safety technology, there will be an increasing amount of controls in place to prevent accidents before they even happen.


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