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Re: $787K Study Seeks to Find Ways to Encourage Subway Riders to Ride LIRR and MNRR

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Tue Apr 10 09:19:55 2018, in response to Re: $787K Study Seeks to Find Ways to Encourage Subway Riders to Ride LIRR and MNRR, posted by lirr42 on Mon Apr 9 18:47:30 2018.

Japanese trains (commuter and subway) still have conductors unless they are very short (4 or fewer cars). A commuter train will sometimes also have a third crewmember: a green car (think parlor car) attendant who serves food/beverages and verifies that everyone has tapped into their seat (self-seat check system - tap card on reader above seat, ticket deducted and light turns green until your destination station).

Singapore with full ZPTO has multiple staff at every station monitoring trains. This creates the rather novel situation where during off peak, there are more staff working than there would be if the trains were manned but the stations were not.

Sorry but at the bare minimum LIRR/MNRR should run with 2 man crews. Of course FRA requires a minimum of 3 and thanks to our ancient fare collection mentality, we need far more than that.


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