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Re: How Trump’s Hudson Tunnel Snit Threatens the National Economy

Posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Mar 6 20:49:22 2018, in response to Re: How Trump’s Hudson Tunnel Snit Threatens the National Economy, posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Tue Mar 6 20:14:16 2018.

Canadian provinces are funny like that... they're both more and less powerful w/r/t their Federal government than our states.

Canadian provinces end up doing the bulk of the spending of the taxation, but the Canadian central government basically exists to run the military, ensure financial equity in terms of social spending and infrastructure, and collect the taxes for the two other functions. Hell, provinces can theoretically opt out of the Canada Pension Plan and run their own plan. The equivalent in the US would never happen. On the flip side, you have downright weird provincial barriers in Canada that don't exist in the US because the Commerce Clause doesn't exist in Canada.

But, they can also be dissolved and redrawn at the whims of their federal government.

There are times that I wish that we could redraw state boundaries as such. New York's tri-state region makes little sense from a governance perspective. OTOH, a regional state for the metro area would need to have the Catskill watershed included to ensure some degree of protection for the city lest a future upstate sovereign power encourage degradation of that resource.

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