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Re: Nighttime Shot of 3rd Ave El at 67th Street (1953)

Posted by randyo on Fri Dec 1 17:06:03 2017, in response to Re: Nighttime Shot of 3rd Ave El at 67th Street (1953), posted by VictorM on Fri Dec 1 10:42:55 2017.

The IRT was a notoriously cheap outfit and didn’t spend any money unless it could realize a saving greater than the cost. The IRT converted many of its gate cars to MUDC as a cost saving measure but rather than spend the extra money to move the cabs forward, it merely kept the cabs in their original position forcing the M/M to look through two vision glasses. The BMT and before that, the BRT was a more progressive company and when they converted some of their gate cars to the first group of MUDC cars, the C types, the company moved the M/M’s cabs forward to where the now enclosed open platforms had been, an improvement for the M/M over what the IRT did. Like the IRT”s MUDCs, the Cs had outside hung doors rather than internal door pockets. When the next group of MUDC cars, the Qs were rebuilt from gate cars, the bMT followed the same procedure except that this time, door pockets were built into the sides of the Qs to prevent problems due to cold and rainy weather from affecting door operation. It’ interesting that the B of T opted to install completely "new" trucks on the Qs rather than merely moving the motor trucks to the opposite ends of the A and C cars which would have had the effect of preventing 2 motor trucks from ever being together at any time. Another interesting aspect of the Qs’ assignment to the 3Av el is that they never received the single headlight over the end doors like the el cars and Composites had. One of the reasons for the installation of the headlights was that there were no signals on the lcl tks of the els and the headlights were used not only to aid the M/M’s visibility but in inclement and foggy weather, the headlights were illuminated on the REAR of the trains to make them more visible to following trains.

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