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Re: G Train Loop

Posted by Michael549 on Thu Jun 22 17:58:13 2017, in response to Re: G Train Loop, posted by randyo on Thu Jun 22 17:16:08 2017.

Over a year-ago (or so) I was at a town hall meeting held by NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer in downtown Brooklyn, not far from the LIRR Atlantic Avenue terminal near the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The meeting was set up to hear from regular citizens on their ideas, thoughts proposals, etc. There was a table where various local officials spoke and then a question and answer session by the public.

There were various questions asked and answered but the one that really caught my attention was the suggestion by a local citizen that an under-ground expressway be built UNDER FOURTH AVENUE in Brooklyn to relieve the traffic congestion on the BQE. This person suggested such an under-ground roadway be built because in his words Fourth Avenue is a very wide street and should be able to accomodate a roadway with several lanes. The guy said that he had worked this proposal for a while and had done his research, and felt that the idea would pass environmental muster. He said that this kind of roadway should be easier to construct because, in his words, "there's nothing under Fourth Avenue" that would get in the way. He really wanted to give Comptroller Scott Stringer a copy of his report because he thought that just a roadway would bring many benefits.

Comptroller Scott Stringer applauded the man's work and effort and that said that he would pass along this report to his staff and folks at the NYC Department of Transportation for their review.

At the meeting, I sat dumb-founded - because I could not believe what this person was saying nor the reaction by Comptroller Scott Stringer. I remarked to a friend also attending the meeting that I could not figure out which person was dumber - the guy who said he did his research or Comptroller Scott Stringer for not immediately "circular filing" the guy's supposed researched report! I said loudly to my friend, I know what's UNDER FOURTH AVENUE, its the D, N & R trains, the BMT Fourth Avenue subway since at least 1918!

Comptroller Scott Stringer may have acted as if he was being kind by taking the report - to circular file it later, or maybe not. He seemed to support "citizen activism" of that kind. I just wondered about how someone could "miss" an entire subway line that's been there for a century?

Local politicians - wow!



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