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Re: NY congressman Higgins writes Amtrak's Moorman in support of reopening Buffalo Central Terminal

Posted by NIMBYkiller on Thu Mar 16 18:29:45 2017, in response to Re: NY congressman Higgins writes Amtrak's Moorman in support of reopening Buffalo Central Terminal, posted by italianstallion on Thu Mar 16 15:21:50 2017.

Exactly my point. If the city were to really grow out to there, then I'd be more inclined to support using it, but even with converting it into its own mini-city, it's still horribly disconnected and inconvenient to where the city currently is. It would take a Brooklyn-like rebound for Buffalo to grow out to Central Terminal. It sucks, it's a beautiful building and I'd love to see it used for Amtrak. Unfortunately I just don't see it ever being an area that makes sense. At best, I could see them repurposing the building for mixed use and the station itself being a stop for a light rail or commuter rail running up that abandoned ROW to Towanda, or something to the airport. But Amtrak needs to provide access to the urban core. I don't ever see that being Central Terminal.

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