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Re: Staten Island rail tunnel.

Posted by MainR3664 on Fri Oct 21 07:21:29 2016, in response to Re: Staten Island rail tunnel., posted by Michael549 on Tue Oct 18 14:20:13 2016.

Well, partially fair enough. If a revived NS line can't get west of Port Richmond because of NIMBYs, then connecting service would need to be provided. And, as you point out the movie theater/Home Depot/Lowe's area needs service as well.

But think of it this way- the bus routes were deliberately configured in 1947 or so in such a way as to kill the railway line. As shameful as that was, at least back then there wasn't much traffic on Staten Island. Now, between all the people that have moved in (myself included) and the people from NJ and PA who treat us like driveover country, traveling east/west or west/east during rush hour is a terrible experience, in a car or on a local bus. Rebuilding the expressway at a cost of how many hundreds of million $$ made little, if any difference, IMO.

The only way that might work is rail service. I suppose the best route might actually be along I-278, with a concrete structure similar to Air Train (but hopefully with R211s). Unfortunately, with the astronomical construction costs and NIMBYs, that is beyond highly unlikely.

In my estimation of human nature and politics, the only plan that stands even a tiny, remote chance (and that's all it is...) is revival of the North Shore line. Ideally, it would run from the Ferry to the Goethals Bridge area- as it DID. But west of Port Richmond, the ROW runs near houses- more NIMBYs to complain. East of Port Richmond, there's nothing but industrial property along the ROW. If the politicians finally got their act together, and are now at the cusp of opening a significant piece of the SAS, surely a project such this is also doable.

And I'll concede zero experience/expertise in bus planning. But IF the NS line ever re-opened, bus service should be designed to support it. But obviously, no area should lose transit service. I'll leave the details to others.


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