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Re: BREAKING: NJ TRANSIT Train Collides With Wall At Station In Hoboken

Posted by Jersey Mike on Fri Sep 30 07:49:17 2016, in response to Re: BREAKING: NJ TRANSIT Train Collides With Wall At Station In Hoboken, posted by WillD on Fri Sep 30 04:06:58 2016.

Except that passengers are not permitted to exit from the front of the car, so they were likely at the rear end of the lead car.

Sometimes they open up the front steps, depends on the crew. There is not enough isle room for everyone who may have been seated to crowd to the back, especially since the train was SRO.

Absolutely not. How can you possibly make that argument when we've just seen a train depart the track area resulting in a fatality? Regardless of why the train did not stop, it cannot be debated that the bumping block was inadequate to the task of protecting the structure from the train. The car struck and travelled past past the bumping block before striking the structure. Neither the bumping block or the car were designed to absorb any meaningful amount of crash energy without deforming either the railcar's cabin or the station's structure. There could not be a better illustration of the dangers present even at low speeds with the FRA's insistence on absolute structural rigidity.

It's not the rolling stock's job to deform. It's the rolling stock's job to make the other guy deform. Remember, the most likely accident will be of the grade crossing variety where you have low bow trucks with construction equipment getting stuck on the tracks.

You suspect wrongly. At most terminal stations in Europe the bumping blocks are equipped to dissipate energy when they're struck by a train. The displacement may be a matter of a few feet, or something a bit more elaborate:

We have those here, but Hoboken was never upgraded from its original 1907 configuration. I'm assuming it will be now.

I'm all for better bumper blocks at stub terminals. Just like in a grade crossing accident, the cheap stuff gets crushed and the railcar can be returned to service.


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