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Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator

Posted by fdtutf on Wed Oct 28 10:17:43 2015, in response to Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 27 23:43:09 2015.

That record would be responsible for the largest bus service improvement in Brooklyn. Eleven routes changed on the same day in 1978.

Oy, are we harping on this again?

And as I proved to you before at least half of my Sheepsheadbtes articles related to bus improvements and less than 25% even mentioned automobiles, but you insist on distorting the facts.

I see you're still struggling with the difference between assertion and proof.

And when I say fairness for everyone, I do indeed mean everyone. Your definition of everyone is bus riders, cyclists and pedestrians? Why do you not consider the needs of automobile drivers? I will tell you.

Instead, I will tell you: It's because our current transportation system is already heavily tilted in favor of motorists. When changes are considered, motorists should be at the back of the line for that reason.

It is because of our anti-automobile bias where you believe no one should drive and we need to make driving as inconvenient as possible to discourage auto use and promote mass transit even if we make no mass transit improvements. I woudn't call that being fair to everyone, but you would.

No, I believe we should be making substantial improvements for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users, and essentially none for motorists, who are already coddled to a ridiculous degree.

And as for that last sentence, it is a run on, but is perfectly understandable. You just can't accept any viewpoints that don't agree with yours.

Um, please look up the definition of the word kudos. I wasn't being sarcastic, either.


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