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Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator

Posted by WillD on Mon Oct 26 19:42:22 2015, in response to Re: Allan Rosen and the 34th Street (Herald Square) elevator, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Oct 26 19:31:15 2015.

That was said in jest.

But you said you did not post the comment. Which is it?

You really cannot be fired from a job that doesn't pay you anything.

You most certainly can.

They can barely get ten people now to comment on their "hard news."

Halle-fucking-lujah. Maybe sanity is finally breaking out all over. I wish them much luck fighting the cancer that is the comment portion of a news website's content. But at the very least it put an end to one particularly uninformed and insipid source of misinformation, so that's a plus.

Most columns have zero comments.

Determining the value of website content by comment count is about as moronic as determining the value of a city by the speed and volume of automobile traffic.


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