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Re: Someone remind me, what is the point of light rail again?

Posted by ElectricTraction on Fri Sep 4 18:06:20 2015, in response to Re: Someone remind me, what is the point of light rail again?, posted by merrick1 on Fri Sep 4 09:39:54 2015.

It's horribly inefficient and expensive to haul it up and back down, and it means more of it sits in yard in NYC and stinks and clogs up the rails than if it could be brought out in smaller trains to sit in a CSAO yard in North Jersey.

NYC trash is the single most egregious example of how ridiculous the Selkirk Hurdle is, although it must still be cheaper than putting them on the barge and loading them on a train in NJ.

As a CT resident, I'd like to see that garbage come up here to a series of new, ultra-modern trash to energy plants that would replace our existing trash burners and quadruple the capacity so that we could handle NYC's garbage too, with the ability to then rail haul the ash out of state to landfills, but people up here would freak out if we did something that logical.

If you read the TRAINS article about it, they mentioned that it gets ripe after a certain amount of time and has to start moving.


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