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Re: Cuomo Reluctant To Dig Deep For New Hudson Rail Tunnel

Posted by ElectricTraction on Tue Aug 18 18:32:51 2015, in response to Re: Cuomo Reluctant To Dig Deep For New Hudson Rail Tunnel, posted by WillD on Tue Aug 18 03:19:21 2015.

Admittedly, it's not representative of high-wage jobs, but in terms of jobs in Manhattan, 71% of the people live in NYC. NYC is a machine in and of itself, while the suburbs (and the budgets of NJ and CT) are substantially dependant on NYC.

There are some places that ferries make more sense, and some places that would just be easier to get to. There is already a ferry system, it's just pathetic. Why is PATH so popular? Ferries surely could take some of that traffic if they had the same frequency as PATH. NYC already has ferry terminals, and they are cheap to build, you just find a place to plop one, and put a floating dock there. OK, nothing is that simple in NYC, but it pales compared to other infrastructure. I'm not saying we should just plop a bunch of ferries in the North River and abandon Gateway, but in a city like NYC, all viable transportation options should be utilized.

I don't think they had a lot of choice when Sandy came. That they were able to get most of the system back up and running as quickly as they did is a testament to the workers of the various branches of the MTA.

That being said, we are where we are, and 4 tunnels gives a clear path to increasing the number of trains into Penn while fixing the original North River Tunnels. And in the long term, a schedule that tightly schedules 3 tunnels is pretty resilient if there are 4... any one can go out of service and things won't melt down. If one goes out of service for some reason now, things melt down.


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