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Re: NYC Rail networks—bursting at seams?

Posted by Nilet on Wed May 20 21:22:10 2015, in response to Re: NYC Rail networks—bursting at seams?, posted by Broadway Lion on Tue May 19 14:32:01 2015.

"Bottom line, the "standard of living" in the US has been eroding for all but a few specific segments of the society"

Yup, ever since Obama took over.

You've got to pay attention to the news more often. It's been that way since the 70s.

Most of the rich do share in very many venues.

No, they don't. The rich pay much less than their fair share, and have for a long time.

But if government raises the taxes too high, the rich will simply leave.

And go where? You can't just opt out of society.

They leave New York State, they can leave the United States.

They can't and haven't.

You see corporations doing that already.

No, you don't. Precisely zero corporations have left the United States or New York because of taxes.

What has happened is that companies filed a piece of paper declaring their headquarters was now in another country, and the United States decided to pretend that they had left the country. It's an absurd tax loophole which can be easily closed, and if closed, it would not convince them to actually leave.

See, you have some odd obsession with taxes, but rich people and corporations generally don't. America is a big market and companies are not going to forgo billions of dollars in profits just because they might have to pay higher taxes on them.

The top 5% of earners pay 90% of federal taxes; the bottom 50% pay less that 1% of the taxes.

The top 5% of earners pay a much lower percentage of their income in taxes than the bottom 50% do. That's a problem and it should be fixed.


0 - 70,000 $ = 0% tax
70,000 - 1,000,000 = 15% tax
1,000,000 - 4,000,000 = 20% tax
> 4,000,000 = 25 % tax

Congratulations. You have bankrupted the government. What additional taxes do you propose? What government programs would you cut?


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