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Posted by Nilet on Fri Mar 27 07:52:36 2015, in response to Re: UNROBBED BY A COP— PROPERTY RECOVERED!, posted by gp38/r42 chris on Fri Mar 27 06:38:05 2015.

First off...saying you are right, doesn't make you right, no matter how may times you state something.

Precisely— a lesson I'm hoping you'll manage to learn one of these days.

and second, you werent right then about immigration and you still aren't now.

You have yet to offer any reasonable argument as to why I'm supposedly wrong. If you have one, feel free to make it— I'm still willing to hear any valid arguments on the subject.

Of course, you don't have one, which is why you threw the tantrum in the first place.

Third, you are right about one thing, act like a dick and people will treat you like a dick

It's a fairly simple principle most people intuitively understand.

You were perfectly civil until that immigration thread, and I was perfectly civil in response. Then, you discovered that you could not dispute my argument and, lacking the maturity to admit you were wrong, change your position, or even leave the thread, you started throwing a tantrum like a spoiled toddler, declaring that anything other than complete agreement with everything you say constitutes "acting like an asshole."

Since you stopped acting like an adult, I stopped treating you like one.

The minute you are prepared to act like an adult again, I will be civil towards you again.

and I see no reason to treat you other wide based on the way you ac here.

OK, I'll bite. Exactly what did I say - prior to the immigration thread - that you consider in any way untoward?


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